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Company details - Eurosort


Eurosort Systems is located in Weesp, the Netherlands. The company was founded in 2001. EuroSort Systems specializes in manufacturing high-speed unit sortation systems for a variety of applications, including order fulfillment, returns, postal sorting, kitting and store replenishment.

EuroSort sorters improve the productivity, accuracy and efficiency of companies specialized in pharmaceuticals, books, multi-media, mail, reverse logistics, jewelry, office supplies, e-commerce, accessories, apparel and garments, to name a few. 

EuroSort Systems believes in simplicity, whenever possible. We manufacture our sorters as a “plug and play” machine, simple and robust. We already made it the preferred sorter system of choice for many system integrators and end users.
As a recognized leader of state-of-the-art technology in Bombay and slide belt sorters we encourage customers worldwide to challenge us with their issues, needs and projects.
EuroSort Systems, along with its worldwide strategic partners and partnerships, deliver systems that will optimize your process. It will become more efficient, save valuable floor space and improve and boost your productivity.

Demo and test center
EuroSort is always seeking more effective, economic, simpler and better ways to develop our sorting solutions.  In order to do this, we have installed test sorters at our R & D centre near Amsterdam.
Our demo machines are equipped with many different discharge stations, tray and chute configurations.
These machines are so versatile that it is possible to test the behavior of almost every product we receive at different discharge stations and in-feed options.
Feel free to send us your product and we will test it for you.


EURO SORT Active chutes

An active chute or exit is increasingly becoming part of a sorting system.

An innovative system is often required, particularly if large numbers of different products have to be sorted and there is limited space for the system.

We have already designed many different chutes, which have been delivered with our sorting installations.
Many of these chutes have been developed in close cooperation with both the end user and the system integrator via whom we deliver our machines and chutes.

Feel free to contact us if you are currently looking for a solution or if you expect your company to grow and think you will require automation in the future.

Many machine constructors, system integrators and consultants throughout the world have worked with us to produce suitable solutions for their clients. We will be pleased to introduce you to one of these companies.


EURO SORT Sweeper Belt Sorter

Mail and small articles

The Sweepbelt Sorter is ideal for sorting large quantities of small products. This concept has proven itself many times not only sorting post, but also sorting pharmaceutical products. The basis of the machine is a linear conveyor belt. There are outlets to the left and right of this conveyor belt. Containers, bags or even complete removal conveyor belts can be placed at the outlets. The Sweepbelt Sorter is a modular unit and is installed above a conveyor belt.

The most important advantages are:
• Extremely compact and innovative design.
• Simple mechanism.
• Very little maintenance.
• Easy to expand.
• Can be integrated in existing systems.
• Low investment costs.
• Easy to operate.
• High accuracy.


EURO SORT Flat Sorter

Generally speaking, a flat sorter (also known as a Bomb-bay sorter) is used for the automatic sorting of relatively lightweight and flat items. These items include garments, books, pharmaceuticals, small parcels, flats, mixed mail, multi-media, jewelry, accessories and more. The machine is suitable for products that normally might not be handled on standard sorters.

Flat Sorters from EuroSort come in various carrier configurations such as a split tray, tilt tray or a combination of both.

High level operation of sorter
Items to be sorted  on a flat sorter are inducted onto a EuroSort tray by a simple manual process or by an automatic induction system.  When the patented tray is positioned above the destination the tray is opened.  The content then drops flat (Bomb-bay) or slides out (tilt tray) into the destination which can be directly into a carton/tote or into an engineered packing chute.​

EURO SORT Flat Sorter(Technical Details)

The main benefits of split and tilt tray sorters:

  • Ability to sort direct to tote/carton/sack (You can eliminate costly chutes in some project applications)

  • Relatively low investment.

  • High Sorting Capacity (7200 per hour single tray, 14400 per hour dual tray and 28800 per hour using our quad tray) from (1)  induction area. Higher speeds and multiple induction areas are also possible.

  • High Density Sortation- High number of discharges possible on minimal floor space (Minimize floor space)

  • Able to handle non-conveyable products

  • Simple mechanisms and robust principal that demands little maintenance (No lubrication needed, few spare parts required and trays can be taken out in less than a minute to service)

  • High Accuracy drop due to technical innovations

  • Low noise (68 db)

  • Flexible Configurations (Multiple tray options) allow it to fit your application

  • Induction options

  • Manual induction is used where possible.  The induction process is simple and requires a lower investment.

  • Automatic induction (induction by feed belts or induction automatic induction units) are generally used when items need value added services prior to induction. (Examples include weighing, price labeling and dimensioning)

Discharge options

  • The EuroSort split tray sorter allows items to directly sort into a carton, tote, mail sack, postal cart and/or engineered packing chutes.

  • By sorting directly into a tote, shipping carton or postal cart, the sorter reduces the amount of labor needed to manage the items after they are sorted.

  • When special stacking, handling or accumulation is needed, a specialized packing chute can be added to the sorter.


EURO SORT Push-Tray Sorter

Carton and poly-bag sorting on one machine

A unit sorter for sorting the combination in one machine such as cartons, polybags and all other odd-sized articles. From a 200 gram small polybag upto a 10 kgs carton, herefore you  can use the EuroSort Push-Tray sorter. An efficient way of sorting when you are in need of a capacity untill a maximum of 12.000 articles per hour. The combination of small cartons with polybags is not an easy one to sort. Therefore EuroSort created the Push Tray sorter based on our profound experience with the Flat sorter (Bombay).

An universal sorter of both cartons, polybags and other odd-sized articles. The combination of sorting heavy cartons and light polybags on the same sorter has been a difficult task. Until now. The EuroSort Push-Tray sorter is ideal for sorting products in the range from approx. 200 gram (7 oz.) and small polybag to approx. 10 kgs (40 pound). The capacity of sorting is up to 12,000 units per hour. 

Induction options

  • Items can be inducted either manually or automatic (with toploading.)

  • Manual loading is of course more economical and as the position of the product is less sensitive then in a Bombay-sorter, it is reliable.

  • Inducting on various sides of the sorter is possible to increase the capacity per hour.

EURO SORT Push Tray Sorter(Technical Details)

Discharge options 
The EuroSort Push-Tray sorter allows items to be sorted directly into a carton, gravity conveyor lane, slide, tote, mail sack, postal cart and/or engineered packing chutes.

Because of the low speed the push tray sorter runs, the accuracy of dropping is high and can therefore be done directly into shipping cartons; this results in less labour around the sorter.
Also because of the speed of 1 mtr/sec the operator can induct the articels directy onto the sorters carriers so less investment on infeed systems. 


When special stacking, handling or accumulation is needed,  special chutes can be added to the sorter.

With the special design of the pusher-blade, even thin articles like envelopes or thin polybags can be treated on the tray as they do not get stuck on the sorter.


EURO SORT Slide-Belt Sorter

Packages, boxes and parcel sorter

The EuroSort Systems Slide Belt Sorter is a low cost unit sorter designed to sort cartons, totes, CD’s, DVD’s, shoe boxes and other packaged items for use in product flows as shipping departments, production/palletising environment, order fulfillment, returns, inbound processing and zip code/truck route sorting.  This sorter has a capacity upto 7,000 items per hour and is capable of handling packages up to 75 pounds (35 kg).

The machine has a flexible layout design and is able to sort directly into a tote, mail cart, mail sack, gaylord container or engineered packing chute. A push up divert mechanism is used for specific product types, speeds and sizes. Consult a EuroSort engineer for more details.

EURO SORT Slide Belt Sorter(Technical Details)

High level description of operation

Products to be sorted are inducted onto the slide belt sorter by a conveyor or a simple manual process.
The products are detected, the length is determine by 1 single photo eye  and the barcode is read by an overhead scanner.

The sorter controller looks up the barcode and determines a sort destination. The item travels on the slide belt sorter under  a slight angle until the item reach’s its final sorting destination.
If the push up divert mechanism is used, a pneumatic actuator lifts up a zone of the slide belt sorter to divert the product into the final destination. The item then slides gently and accurately into the proper destination.


Max Product Weight: 35 kg (75 lbs)
Max Product Size: 1200 mm x 800 mm
Min Product Size: 100 mm x 100 mm
Capacity: 2.000 - 7.000 per/hr (depending on length of product)


Key Benefits of the EuroSort Slide Belt Sorter

  • Increase productivity

  • Save valuable floor space (dense sort)

  • Simple mechanisms

  • Low maintenance

  • Easy to expand

  • Gently sorts fragile products

  • Low cost

  • Improved accuracy

  • Fast ROI









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